Hey there, Welcome to imalaysian.com. My name is Aileen and I am very exicted with this new site! Thanks to our hardcore-site-creater Louiss, we thou shall now own a site for all fellow malaysians out there (and of course, those of you in other parts of the planet who are interested) to know more about the happenings in beautiful Malaysia these days.
Isn't Malaysia just wonderful? apart from being the safest places in the world with no earthquakes, volcanos, typhoons, tornados, blizzards, avalanches etc, Malaysia is a country blossoming with riches beyond imagination! And I'm not only talking about the sky-high quality of petroleum that we have here, but also other industries such as the tourism industry. Truly, it is a place blessed with gifts of lushful tropical forests and pearl-white sandy beaches.. a sound nature attractive enough to catch those wandering eyes of tourists from all over the world.Having to have achieved 50 years of independance, history lies all over the place as a resemblance of the bolds and brawns of people who took fate into their hands and fought with all their mights to secure the country of prolonged independance. With great achievements bring greater willpower for the citizens of Malaysia, now it is a melting pot of culture and race, all mixed together to enhance the uniqueness of the country as a place of harmony and joy.
All to thank Malaysia for its sizzling pot of goodness for lucky fellow Malaysians, support this site and make it the best, for "WE SHARE, WE CARE!"
Labels: Bloggers
iMalaysian was launch on 28th of January, 2007. The mission of this blog is a place for Malaysian like us(me), to help, share and care about Malaysian. I can see a lot of criticism about malaysia, but i never give up Malaysia, because I'm Malaysian, i can't refuse it.
I have form a group of people to blog, we will do our best to provide full information to Malaysian, not only the news, we will assist in any kind of spirit, "NEVER GIVE UP" spirit!
Why? Because I'm Malaysian, iMalaysian! Like what some of the people said, not Malay boleh, but "MALAYSIAN BOLEH"! Wish can share and help as much as possible with all Malaysian in 3 years, and we see the result in imalaysian.com, "MALAYSIA BOLEH, MALAYSIAN BOLEH"!
Labels: About
Hi everyone, this is my 1st post in imalaysian dot com. Everyone call me Louiss, and i wish you too! I born in 28th of August 1985, KL hospital. I'm 21 years old and one of the UTAR student in Sungai Long campus, major in BBA. I will graduate in 2010.
How long i have been in blogsphere? Around 2 years, my most successful blog is Blogging Secret, help others to blog around the world.
Why i wanna blog? I can share my knowledge with all Malaysian in Malaysia!
I wish can do something to make malaysia better in life, lifestlyes and every soul of Malaysian. But why i wanna make Malaysia better? As our domain, I'm a Malaysian, iMalaysian.com!
Our motto,
"WE SHARE, WE CARE." To all Malaysian, please support us and make iMalaysian be no.1 in Malaysia! MALAYSIA BOLEH, MALAYSIAN BOLEH!
Labels: Bloggers