What has our country becoming to?

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Nowadays more and more people are getting educated. Finish secondary school, go to college, get a diploma, get a degree, and head towards their dream life with dream family and dream home, work in dream jobs. You can say Malaysians are getting more and more advance. But contrasting to the high level of intelligence we possesses, it is sad to say that we are not as civilized as we think we are. In fact, Malaysia is infested with morons of vile behaviors worse than any animal could ever have.

We've all heard many cases of murder and rape in Malaysia throughout our days, the number of these cases are so vast, that unknowingly we even got "used" to hearing these remorseful happenings. Whenever we see a section of a paper regarding some sort of crime in Malaysia, we don't even feel shocked anymore. All we can give is a short moment of sympathy, empathy maybe, and then proceed with our lives hoping they won't happen to us or anyone we know.

Sad, sad. What has Malaysia turned into? The blasting of Altantuya into pieces, the murder trial of Canny Ong, the rape and murder case of students...

Don't these people who commit crime feel even the slightest sense of guilt? Just today a woman was gang-raped by four men.

Hopefully all these will come to a halt. What a waste it will be to turn a beautiful country bad.

Brought to you by I,Malaysian! We share, we care.

This Post has 1 Comment Add your own!
Anonymous - June 16, 2007 at 12:35 PM

Hope the world will be a better place.

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